The post-Christmas and New Year’s period is a notoriously tricky time for sourcing fresh produce. Many UK growers are taking a well-deserved break, whilst suppliers and hauliers on the continent are operating on reduced schedules. So here’s what to expect over the next 7 days or so:
· The weekend in between Christmas and New Year will see a reduced offer in terms of leafy veg, with salads and herbs the biggest gaps. Fresh Lancashire little gems will be delivered by Duncan Gielty, coming in especially from Ormskirk. We’ll receive a fresh injection of leafy brassicas too for those tired of Christmas stodge!
· On Monday 30th (yes we’re open!) and New Years’ Eve the range should be close to normal.
· Thursday 2nd will be the trickiest day, but those lovely folks at Glebelands are picking some salad leaves that morning and dropping them off after lunch.
· Friday 3rd our UK offer is back to full strength, including Libby Flintoff making a trip down from Preston with freshly harvested spinach beet and rocket. If you are after fresh herbs, it’s best to come on Saturday when everything should be back to business as usual.
We’ll return with more in-depth veg news in 2020. In the meantime, it’s been a pleasure keeping you informed this way – thank you all for your engagement!
Happy New Year!