This week is likely the last week we’ll be able offer UK kale. This crop usually runs until May, but after heavy rainfall UK supplies have been scarce, both in organic and ‘conventional’ growing. We are going out in style though! Royal Oak, who were heavily affected by the downpours, were able to rescue a tiny fraction of their plantings. Their lovely baby leaf kale comes in many colours (pink, white and green) and has made its way onto our display via Organic North. We’ll move overseas to fill the gap from next week.
More weather related news also from the continent: Spain was hit by storm Gloria last week. Regions in the East, which are home to many organic farms, were especially affected. We’re seeing the consequences immediately on sun-loving ratatouille crops (courgette, cucumbers & aubergines) in terms of scarcity and high prices. We’re warned that most Spanish crops have suffered in some way, which we’ll feel over the course of the next few weeks and even months.
On a happier note, Kalettes are particularly strong and flavourful right now. They’re not as bitter as kale and milder in taste than Brussels sprouts. Among Unicorn staff they’re a firm favourite for stir-frying and roasting – quick & easy!
Finally, Spanish avocados continue to offer excellent value, as do Agricoop’s blood oranges from Sicily.