We’re slowly waving goodbye to the ‘hungry gap’, as an influx of new season crops, all grown in Lancashire and Yorkshire, will be gracing our display this week. Glebelands in Sale and Organic Pantry in Tadcaster are both kicking off their radish harvest in earnest. We’ve found that radishes from the UK often taste more peppery than their Dutch and French cousins. They brighten up any salad, but also make for an easy pickling option and pretty kimchi addition.
And that not all! Lettuces and spring onions cannot get more local than from Glebelands in Sale, both available towards the end of the week. Ward & Thompson are also sending us our first batch of mixed green and red lettuce varieties. Courgettes are also starting to trickle in!
In the brassica section, we’re welcoming the first summer cabbages from Duncan Gielty; deep green with young, tender leaves. Most of all though, we’re looking forward to Libby Flintoff’s loose cavolo nero leaves. For those missing kale, these are a must. Broccoli from Spain continues to be a tricky supply. It’s getting hot there, so it’s not travelling very well. The last pallet of Cornish cauliflowers from Francis Sampson should go a long way to bridge that gap for now.
And finally, tomatoes from Wights arrive this Thursday! Expect a selection of large vines, cherry vines and baby plum tomatoes all from glasshouses on the Isle of Wight. We’ll do a taste test and keep you posted.