There’s lots to be excited about in this week’s veg news, with a veritable smorgasbord of spanking new UK produce gracing our shelves over the next fortnight.
Strawberry Fields’ celery bunches are a real highlight this week. Limited quantities to start but we expect a full supply from next week onwards. Bunched carrots from Foskett and bunched red beet from Farmstart also join the roster, with bunched onions and bunched chioggia beetroot not far behind. There’s lots of fabulous leafy options too, with rainbow chard loose and bagged from Farmstart and Glebeland’s respectively, as well as Glebeland’s lovely true spinach. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve made a start on Libby Flintoff’s courgettes, fresh garlic from Farmstart, Duncan’s first UK aubergines, as well as the first UK broad beans being expected on Thursday!
Asparagus is one line that’s on its way out, and with the recent dip in temperatures we could be seeing the last full week of consistent supply, but what a season it’s been. Come get it while you still can!