It’s hard to tell today, but 2018 has been so much greyer and colder than the last couple of years, that all our growers are reporting delays in the growth of their UK veggies. This time last year we were announcing in this veg news the start of the UK tomato season, as well as spinach and herbs. This year those things simply aren’t ready yet.
So we look to Europe for now. Holland is our go to for glass house ratatouille and their season is generally a bit longer than ours. The 1st delivery of shiny vine tomatoes and red peppers came in this morning. Flavours are still developing, but they have great texture and juiciness. Our beloved UK tomato growers on the Isle of Wight gave us their best guess for 3 weeks from now.
The UK stuff we’re raving about at the moment is purple sprouting broccoli from Francis Sampson in Cornwall. He is currently picking the center heads rather than the off shoots, which means bigger florets for us! It’s delicious steamed or griddled.
Lastly, be forewarned: we’re heading to our annual kale gap. Expect it back towards the end of June.