Explore our range of organic beer, wine, spirits & ciders, stock up on store cupboard staples, and find household, bodycare and gardening products that don’t cost the earth.
Cooking from scratch?
We stock over 2,500 product lines, ranging from wholefood staples to some harder-to-find grocery items – wholesome food isn’t just about lentils (though we sell these too)! Nestled between all the basics are products you might struggle to find elsewhere; from Mexican corn tortillas and Guajillo chillis to Ume plum seasoning and sweet white miso, we’re a magnet for cooks who want to try something different. We sell a wide range of UK grown flours from Doves Farm and a variety of good value tinned beans and pulses, including UK grown organic beans, peas and quinoa from Hodmedod’s – a Suffolk company formed by people with a shared passion for good, sustainable British food. Our oil range is eye-opening…. avocado, hemp, safflower, sesame and pumpkin sit alongside the everyday olive and sunflower, whilst you can find pastas made from everything from spelt to green peas! Jackfruit provides a great basis for vegan stews, chillis, burritos and stir-frys, we’ve got it both tinned and dried.
Prepared foods
We’ve got some amazing global flavours; Seggiano’s organic Italian pestos are hard to beat while sushi ginger, rice paper and rice mirin might inspire a Japanese feast. A tasty range of fire sauces and pickles come to us from Eswatini Swazi Kitchen, a FairTrade company working to improve the lives of women in rural Swaziland, and we source organic FairTrade dried banana, mango and mushrooms from Tropical Wholefoods.
Explore our range of organic beer, wine, spirits & ciders; many of our craft brews are regional, on top of one of the biggest selections of organic wine you’ll find. We’ve also got what must be the north’s biggest selection of plant-based milks, squeezed out of everything from oats to almonds!
Chilled & Frozen
The range in our chillers and freezer has grown considerably in recent years. Highlights include our famous San Amvrosia houmous (in 7 flavours!), seitan, sprouted seeds and beans, treats from the delightful Raw Chocolate Pie Company and dairy free ice cream. Fermented food lovers can feast on sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, Loving Foods’ kimchi, and Taifun’s fermented tofu. We’ve got quite an extraordinary choice of tofu and dairy-free cheeses, and for the dessert and smoothie lovers; frozen blueberries, blackcurrants, cranberries, sour cherries, raspberries and more.

Household, baby & body
Over in non-food, you’ll find an expanding selection of environmentally friendly baby products, bodycare and homeware products sourced with care for people and planet. Here is some information on bodycare lines we think are especially great. And for DIY cleaning products using safe, simple ingredients, head to our illustrated natural cleaning page!
Price & Range
Like-for-like, our prices are similar or lower than the supermarkets – we’re proud to be proving that a worker-owned business with values can compete with national chains and provide a genuine alternative.
Our range is diverse and delicious and we try to provide a realistic, responsible grocery option!