A staple in Thai and Chinese cookery, tofu is made by curdling fresh soya milk, pressing it into a block and then cooling it – quite like the way dairy cheese is made by curdling and solidifying milk. It can be smooth and soft or very crisp and crunchy, depending on how you prepare and cook it.
Paul Simon sang ’50 ways to leave your lover’, here is a much happier version featuring a multitude (maybe not quite 50!) of quick ideas for the many things that can be done with this versatile, nutritious source of protein.
Throw it in the pan, Stan. The easiest way to prepare tofu is to cut it into slices or small cubes and fry it in sunflower oil until it browns, then just add a bit of soy sauce or tamari at the end to make it crispy. After that you can add it to anything, stir fry, salads (it’s nice cold as well), curries, pasta, etc.
Let it soak in, Bryn. Tofu is a great sponge for strong flavours, try these marinated tofu steaks.
Have it in a stew, Sue. Been for a long hike? Why not make a stew like this fava bean and mushroom one and then throw in some of our tofu sausages to give it extra bit of protein?
Have it in a curry, Murray
Bake it on a tray, Ray. Then toss into a salad or have as a snack.
Make a scramble, Campbell. Who needs eggs?!
Put it in a pie, Si. Try our tinned braised tofu for a delicious savoury pie filling, adding mushrooms and leeks and whatever else you usually use.
Have it as dessert, Kurt. Tofu chocolate mousse is weirdly awesome.
Spread it on bread, Deb. The deHobbit dips we sell from the chiller are tofu-based and are an excellent sandwich filler.
Put it on a skew, Pru. When barbeque season comes round these curried tofu kebabs will win over anyone who still thinks tofu is boring.
Make mayo, Matteo. And it’s literally a throw-it-all-in-the-blender job.
Have it in a tart, Bart (and this one’s gluten-free too).

Copy from the deli, Ellie. This Thai-style noodle tofu salad is one of our top sellers at the deli counter.
Have it with some greens, Jean. In a pak choi & tofu stir-fry
Have it for brekkie, Becky. Honduran-style beans with a tofu scramble
Use instead of egg, Gregg… in fact there are lots of easy ways to replace egg without using anything highly processed, including chickpea juice! How-to here.